Monday, June 28, 2010

New Things in my life.

So lately my life has been surrounded by bikes.. literally. I have been fixing, transporting and riding bikes. The summer heat is getting to me and so isn't my love for bicycles. I have been working with them so much that I kind of want a break from them. Bikes are amazing, life saving, practical and healthy for me and the environment but I would like to live in the woods and travel by foot for a while. I know that won't happen anytime soon so I will continue to love traveling and transporting myself independently by bicycle.

So are you curious as to what I have been doing with my life lately? If so then I can tell you..

I have been working for the city of boston with Boston Bikes and have been working as an instructor for the youth cycling program. I have been having fantastic experiences instructing youth from 3rd to 8th grade on how to properly wear helmets, use hand directional signals while riding and how to ride safely in the city streets and bike paths. The teachers and students have been wonderful to me and I don't have to be authoritative to have them follow the guidelines that I suggest to them.

I have also been working every Saturday for the bicycle exchange building brand new bikes out of a box and making sure they work correctly.

I have also been volunteering with Bikes Not Bombs whenever I can. I lead the 15 mile bike-a-thon course and it was a great time. There were about 40 or 50 cyclists on the ride, or so it seemed. I was invited to partake in a Bikes Not Bombs strategic plan meeting. We discussed the things we love about it and how it can become better. I felt honored to give my opinion about the programs and how I think they can become better.

I have also found a third job that is funded by the city. I will be going to different farmers markets around the Boston area and fixing peoples bikes. I will most likely help people with minor things like repair a flat tire, adjust brakes and also give tunes up.

I have been having lots of ideas about what to do with my future and what I want to get out of life. I have been coming to a conclusion of staying in boston till the end of fall and seeing where life brings me. I enjoy all the jobs I have and I love being as close to Bikes Not Bombs as possible. Maybe next year I will go on another bike tour but for now I like where I am and all the people that I connect with.

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