Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Another Day another Broken Nose

So I have been having a great time in Panajachel, Guatemala. Everyone here has been really great and friendly towards us. On Saturday night we played a pretty cool show at Solomon´s Porch. After the show I made some new friends and we decided to hang out and go to one of their friends house to hang out. Dave and I wanted to go to the hotel real quick to drop our bikes off and walk there. So Erin and her friend walked with me behind Dave in the aly way which lead to our hotel. Dave passed these 4 drunk guys who were walking and taking up the whole aly way. So it was my turn to pass the men, so I rang my bell to get there attention so I could pass. Pretty much seconds after I did that they started to walk past me and the guy on the left threw his arm out as hard as he could towards my face. Then they all started to walk away like nothing happened. I was a little confused and shocked and kept riding to the hotel. Then I stopped at a corner and realized my nose was bleeding non stop and that it was completely broken. The girls ran up to me and helped me with my bike and we went back to the hotel. Luckily Erin is awesome and called up her friend Noay who works at Solomons porch. He drove me to the hospital with Erin and Dave. When we arrived to the hospital the doctor didn´t want to help me at first. He said something along the lines that I am american and I should go to America to get it fixed. But luckily Noay convinced him that I was a volunteer at Solomons Porch and worked with children and lived there. So the doctor agreed and they did an x ray and saw that my nose was completely broken. Then some guy with regular clothes on had a hard time putting an IV in me. After stabbing me a couple of times he eventually put it in and they started to place my nose back in place. By the time the doctor but my nose back in place I was pretty drugged up and barely felt it. So now I have two big plugs in my nose that are really annoying and ugly. I also have to wear a nose cast which makes me stick out like a sore thumb and look pretty silly. But I feel fine. It is swollen and I kind of look like elephant man, but besides that I feel great. My stomach hasn´t been bothering me at all either.
We have been staying in Hectors place across the atitlan lake. It is very very beautiful and it is like living in paradise. I am considering living in Panajachel and volunteering while the rest of the gang goes to El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Panama because I am running really low on money. I only have 600 american dollars left. Which I dont think is enough to go all the way down to panama and then all the way back east home. So we will see what happens in a couple of days...

1 comment:

  1. wow josh that sucks! I hope your nose feels better! I just read your entry out loud to steve.
