So we took another bus to the beautiful city of Oaxaca Mexico. We played a really cool show in a small cafe called Cafe Central, the place was packed full of people and it was a pretty cool atmosphere. The show went well, there system only shut down once for a couple of seconds. There werent that many volunteers though, the crew including me pedaled the bikes a lot. And the same volunteers kept coming up for more. There were a lot of girls with high heels pedaling, which seems like it wouldn´t be too fun. Then after the show I danced all night until about 430 am. The next day I Kipchoge, Corey, Laughter, and Dave took a cab up to San Pedro Cajonos for a fiesta. Cara, Matt,Jared, an awesome indeginous guy, and me hitchhiked on the back of a pick up truck to the same fiesta. We arrived to the fiesta and met up with the others. We paid 50 pesos to get inside. The music wasn´t very good at first. It was really really loud and not a lot of people were dancing at first. Then after a couple hours a lot of alchohol for everyone else besides me, it started to get a little fun. I started dancing solo among the large crowd with traditional mexican music. Then Corey tackled Jared and the police with the big guns came after and pretty much kept an eye on us, which wasnt cool. Then we left shortly after that and slept at an awesome community center. They gave us bowls of hot chocolate and bread that night. Then in the morning we woke up to the band of horns, drums, and symbols walking into the community center where we were sleeping. I took a short little video of some of it. It was one of the best wake up calls I ever had in my life. Then I walked around the beautiful town of San Pedro Cajonos. I got invited into a nice little house and met a couple of children and Antonio who spoke english. Then I went back to go find the rest of the crew. We firgured out that there was a huge protest against the price of diesel gas. Which meant that there were no buses are taxis coming in or out of town. So we all split up in pairs of two and hitch hiked. Me and Dave hitch hiked together, before we left the town. this awesome family invited us in for lunch. We taught them a little bit of english while they taught us some Spanish. My Spanish is getting much better. I am more confident to out on my own to get food or just to have small conversations with people. Today we are taking our final bus to San Cristobal, Chiapas. From there we will start to ride non stop to Panama. I am excited and a little nervous for the epic journey ahead. Hopefully I will try to post up some pictures and Videos in the near future.
One more last blog worthy story=
So on the way out of Mexico City we rode our bikes to the bus station. On the bus station the whole gang stopped at this section of stores that were all music stores. There were about 10 different music stores. So we all split up and walked around while Kipchoge and Jared were looking for a new mixer. Dave went into a cafe and brought his back pack with his computer, cell phone, and chargers in there. The guy at the cafe was really nice and kind and knew a little bit of english. Then the crew regrouped and we rode to the bus station. About five minutes after we got to the bus station, Dave remembered he forgot his backpack with all of his valuables in it. He started flipping out and was going to ride his bike back to the cafe which was about a 15 or 20 minute ride. Then we all sugegsted that he should take a taxi. So right when he ran to grab a taxi, the guy from the cafe comes out of no where and starts running towards us covered from head to toe in sweat. It turns out that he ran all the way from the cafe to the bus station on stop with daves bag. Someone ran and got dave to tell him. We all gave him hugs and gave him 20 pesos for doing so. It was unbelievable and very awesome. That shows you how nice people really are, especially in Mexico. Everyone has been so kind and generous to us. I am having an excellent time, and I think it will only get better.
One more last blog worthy story=
So on the way out of Mexico City we rode our bikes to the bus station. On the bus station the whole gang stopped at this section of stores that were all music stores. There were about 10 different music stores. So we all split up and walked around while Kipchoge and Jared were looking for a new mixer. Dave went into a cafe and brought his back pack with his computer, cell phone, and chargers in there. The guy at the cafe was really nice and kind and knew a little bit of english. Then the crew regrouped and we rode to the bus station. About five minutes after we got to the bus station, Dave remembered he forgot his backpack with all of his valuables in it. He started flipping out and was going to ride his bike back to the cafe which was about a 15 or 20 minute ride. Then we all sugegsted that he should take a taxi. So right when he ran to grab a taxi, the guy from the cafe comes out of no where and starts running towards us covered from head to toe in sweat. It turns out that he ran all the way from the cafe to the bus station on stop with daves bag. Someone ran and got dave to tell him. We all gave him hugs and gave him 20 pesos for doing so. It was unbelievable and very awesome. That shows you how nice people really are, especially in Mexico. Everyone has been so kind and generous to us. I am having an excellent time, and I think it will only get better.
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